Simplify Your Booking Process

Lab Equipment Rental
Booking System

Trusted by industry leaders:

Streamline Your Lab Equipment Booking with Scheduling Software

With our scheduling software, we efficiently manage bookings for all types of lab equipment, including architectural equipment, machines, incubators, environmental chambers, clean room equipment, refrigerators, freezers, and centrifuges. Ezbook makes it easy to coordinate access and usage, ensuring optimal workflow and equipment availability. Our user-friendly platform simplifies your lab operations and increases productivity.

Key Benefits of
Lab Equipment and Instrument Booking System

EZBook simplifies the booking and management of laboratory equipment, reducing administrative work through smart automation.

All-in-One Lab Equipment
Booking System for Seamless Scheduling

Access & Security

Ensure secure access with custom user permissions and real-time activity monitoring to protect your lab's valuable resources.

  • Custom User Permissions Custom Access Levels for Different Users
  • Data Encryption Encrypted Data Ensures Maximum Security
  • Activity Monitoring Real-Time Monitoring of Bookings
Access control and security

Updates and System

Automatically maintain and update your system to enhance performance and security with minimal downtime and proactive support.

  • Automated Maintenance Custom access levels for different users
  • Proactive Support Encrypted data ensures maximum security
  • Booking Monitoring Real-time monitoring of user bookings

Booking Modes

Flexible, user-friendly booking options support both recurring and one-time reservations, simplifying how your lab manages equipment usage.

  • Flexible Booking Options Flexible booking for equipment and instruments
  • Moderated Booking Feature Support for recurring and one-time reservations
  • Convenient Modifications Easy cancellation and rescheduling options
Booking Mode

Administration &

Quickly set up and manage your system with an intuitive interface, offering role-based access to streamline daily operations.

  • Intuitive Management Dashboard Simplify daily operations with an easy-to-use interface.
  • Quick Setup Deploy the system quickly with minimal training
  • Role-Based Access Ensure efficient operation with role-specific controls

Email Support

Receive timely and efficient support through email for any system queries or issues, ensuring continuous operation without disruptions.

  • Actionable Email Alerts: Receive notifications for system activities
  • Round-the-Clock Support Access email support anytime.
  • Rapid Response Ensure continuous lab operations with quick support.

Calendar Integrations

You can easily synchronize your booking system with major calendar applications to view schedules and avoid conflicts or double bookings.

  • Calendar Import Options Sync with Google Calendar and Outlook.
  • Visualize Bookings Easily view lab equipment schedules on your calendar.
  • Alerts to Prevent Double Booking Get reminders and alerts to avoid overbooking.
Get started-circle
Get started

Start with a free 15 day trial, no credit card required

Kick off your free 15-day trial now; no credit card is needed! Dive in and explore how our system can effortlessly boost your operations.

Ezbook software dashboard

Lab Equipment Booking System with EZBook

  • Subtract
    Centralized Equipment Management
  • Subtract
    Enhanced Equipment Utilization
  • Subtract
    Improve Coordination
  • Subtract
    Automated Scheduling
  • Subtract
    Efficient Resource Allocation
  • Subtract
    Flexible Booking Options
  • Subtract
    Single Sign On
why ezbook - Booking Made Easy


Discover what EZBook users love about our seamless booking experience. Real feedback from satisfied customers

Simple and easy to use system. Very helpful team members.

Facility Manager

County Administration Office

Searches for something better have always turned up with almost no challengers.

Lab Instructor

US Based University​

Love the stability, cost, and ease of use.


Mobile Health & Wellness Service Provider

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Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you're looking for

Find all the key answers you need right here! Dive into our comprehensive FAQ to streamline your lab equipment booking process efficiently.

A lab equipment booking system is a digital tool that helps you schedule, manage, and track the usage of various lab instruments and devices. It ensures efficient use of resources, saving time and reducing conflicts.

This software lets users view available equipment, reserve items, and manage reservations through a centralized system. It updates in real-time, ensuring that all users have up-to-date availability information.

Our system uses real-time tracking to update equipment availability the moment a booking is made. This instant update prevents others from booking the same item at the same time, eliminating overlaps.

Adding new equipment is simple: enter the item’s details into the system through the admin panel, set availability times, and it’s ready for users to book. You can also categorize equipment for easier management.

Using a lab equipment booking system streamlines the reservation process, improves equipment utilization, reduces administrative overhead, and prevents scheduling conflicts. It makes managing lab resources more efficient and transparent.

Our system is versatile and can manage all types of lab equipment, from microscopes and centrifuges to larger items like environmental chambers and spectrometers. If it’s in your lab, you can include it in the system.